Your Clerks

  • Erin Craig (she, her), co-clerk

    I am honored to serve as a co-clerk for SCYMF. Within the Yearly Meeting, I have served on the Safeguarding Committee and Coordinating Committee.

    Prior to SCYMF, I was involved in youth programming (Bible Quiz, leading youth at Silverton Friends, serving in various roles for camps, etc). I also served as Recording Clerk at Silverton Friends.

    In my “past life”, I was an elementary teacher. I currently work as Executive Assistant at Silverton Area Community Aid, providing all kinds of support for our food pantry, financial assistance programs, and other food and housing security resources.

    As a bisexual and demisexual woman, I am part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I long for SCYMF to be a Yearly Meeting that is truly safe for LGBTQIA+ folks, and while we have done quite a bit toward that end, we still have lots to learn - individually and communally.

    Another dream I have for SCYMF is to step out of old habits and thinking, and into new ways of doing things, including tool and technology updates (as appropriate). I’ve heard many long for growth in the young adult, youth, and children age groups. I believe there are some areas we need to step into the 21st century and engage folks in ways that meet them where they are. I’d also love to see our records organized and stored better - a project your co-clerks plan to take on soon!

    My spouse, Elias Craig (he/they), and I recently got married. We live in Tualatin, Oregon with our two cats - Tonks and Topanga. We occasionally worship with West Hills Friends and Wayside Friends (in Newberg, not affiliated with SCYMF).

    I work full-time, play clarinet in the Beaverton Community Band, and have other responsibilities outside of my co-clerk role. I am grateful for the ways Norma and I balance co-clerking.

    Feel free to reach out to me by email or chat at one of our in-person gatherings. I’d love to get to know you all better and look forward to following Spirit in a variety of ways with you.

  • Norma Silliman (she, her), co-clerk

    We are at an important time in the development of the yearly meeting, and I pray that the experience, wisdom, skills and relationships that have shaped me over the almost 50 years that I have been a Friend can be an asset.

    I served on the People Care Committee since Sierra Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends almost since we began. That work gave me insight into Sierra-Cascades, allowed me to meet people from each of the member churches/meetings and kept me pondering what the purpose of a Quaker yearly meeting is.

    I really love Sierra-Cascades and the people in and connected to our Sierra-Cascades community.

    I am a mother of two caring daughters, a native habitat gardener, quilter, and moderately involved social activist through FCNL and my state Interfaith Power and Light organization. Between the good people at Camas Friends and the amazing SCYMF co-clerks and Coordinating Committee I have plenty of spiritual support for this role.